
Powerful Tools for Collecting Payments

  1. Request-A-PaymentTM
  2. Inst-A-PaymentTM
    1. Single Charge
    2. Multi Charge – Batch Processing
  3. Schedule-A-PaymentTM
  4. Link-A-PaymentTM

Single Charge


Entering Payments to Payment Portal

Instant Payment Processing Pop-up Page

Powerful Tools for Collecting Payments

  1. Request-A-PaymentTM
  2. Inst-A-PaymentTM
    1. Single Charge
    2. Multi Charge – Batch Processing
  3. Schedule-A-PaymentTM
  4. Link-A-PaymentTM

Multi Charge – Batch Processing


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Entering Payments to Payment Portal

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is download-e1608316848250-921x1024.png

Payment Approval Email

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is loyalty_Payment-Approval-Email-e1608313760810-1024x962.png
January 8, 2021
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